I am sharing with you a photo-album which shows Mauricio in different moments of his life in chronological order. I also wanted to include at the end, some photos of his funeral and burial.
The first photographer who wanted to do a professional portrait of him was Todd Pearson in Denver in November 2004. Todd created that famous photothat was used for the site of the Saravia documentary film.
Patrick Ecclesine photographed him for his excellent coffee table book "Faces of Sunset Boulevard. A Portrait of Los Angeles" and he generously placed his photo in the center of the book.
Event photographer Faye Sadou made important photos of Mauricio in events and during the shooting of the documentary film Saravia, as well as Maria Ventura, Francisco Palacios, Francisco Madrid and Felix Photo.
Paul Zollo stopped him on Hollywood Boulevard and asked his permission to photograph him, getting one of the last photos of Mauricio.
Mauricio was the attraction of every photographer, in the events he used to go. He enjoyed being surrounded by them, and he always answered hisquestions politely. He appeared in Wire Image, Hollywood Reporter, Getty Image and some other online publications, many times.
Looking at this photo-album you can appreciate the changes that the McCune-Albright Syndrome slowly made on his face and body but you'll realize that the condition couldn't change his strong spirit and his love for life and people.